Abdullah Ahmed Ali,
also known as "Abdullah Ali Ahmed Khan"
- Mohammed Gulzar
- Tanvir Hussain - Umar Islam, aka "Brian Young"
- Arafat Waheed Khan - Assad Ali Sarwar
- Ibrahim Savant - Waheed Zaman
Back at the airport later that evening,
I am apprehensively catty and cower.
I see men on the same line, edgy, waiting,
who look like the bastards who blew up the towers.
Am I racist! How can these people be culprits?
They shouldn’t be blamed for their “brothers” sins.
But many, I fear, swing from strings like mere puppets
operated by maniacal jinns.
Is it so wrong to be paranoiac
about bearded men from sere bailiwicks?
Didn’t we see on TV how they cheered in Damascus
when the World Trade Center collapsed and they cursed the U.S.?